Kathleen Elsey | Painting Workshops

Kathleen Elsey Painting Workshop Red Rose with Everything"Red Rose with Everything" 20” x 24”  $3000
Previously exhibited in solo exhibition Thos. Moser San Francisco

"This painting began with a yellow vase of colorful Zinnias, a wooden jewelry boxKathleen Elsey Painting Workshop Santa Barbara California workshops paintings Red Rose   that my grandmother gave me sixty years ago and some red and yellow peppers. I knew in the beginning that I wanted to paint the colorful flowers against cobalt blue drape. The only thing in the house that I could find that is cobalt blue is a linen sundress. So I pinned it to the wall. As I sketched the scene, I realized that I wanted more "things," so I kept adding objects until the shapes of the objects, the shadows and the negative spaces gave me an exciting composition. I added a sentimental dried red rose, some brown onions because they filled the space nicely and a table in the background.  And still, nearly finished with the painting, I added one more object–the napkin in the lower right. Finally, I liked the composition of the painting. I find it challenging to work with a complicated composition and then try to sort things out so that they make an interesting painting. 

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