Kathleen Elsey Painting WorkshopsSouthwest Paintings

”Red Rock Sunset”   24” x 30”  $3000

This painting was begun in Sedona, in September, 2001. I painted the red rocks until dark. The next morning, I continued my journey to Taos, New Mexico. My plan was to spend a week in Taos painting then on my return to California, I would stop for an evening and complete the painting.

Then 9-1-1 happened. I had packed my bags earlier and was planning to get to Sedona in time to continue working on my sunset painting. But I was frozen. Feeling under attack and alone. I changed my plan and drove to Canyon de Chelley. I felt safe there. I sat on the edge of the canyon and stared. At nothing. At everything. Listen to the peace. Smell the pungent junipers. Feel the gentle power of beauty. Ancient Black Rock hunches on the distant horizon. A dark cloud above means rain will soon be upon me. There was purity and strength there. And places sacred to the native people. Places strong in the oneness of earth and sky and all beings. All I could think of was the Navajo night chant. "with beauty all around me I walk". Thank you for giving me this beauty and strength.

From the Canyon, I headed home to Sonoma. I was frozen and did not paint again until 4 weeks later. I tried to finish the above painting in my studio, but was never was fulfilled with it. Finally today- eighteen years later, I found this painting tucked away in the back of my closet. Took one look and found the inspiration to finish. It was painted by two painters. Me, then. And me, now.

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© 2022 Kathleen Elsey