Kathleen Elsey New Mexico Painting:
"Rio Grande at John Dunn Bridge"
22” x 28” 2007 Sold

This painting was made from the John Dunn Bridge on the Rio Grande River, just north of Taos, New Mexico. It was a spectacular blue-sky morning, just after a storm. I was searching locations to take my painting workshop students to, and ran into a really nice local painter named Craig Stanford. He stopped painting in the meadow where we met, packed his gear, and insisted I follow him to this beautiful canyon. He was so kind showing me this special location to paint. We ended up at John Dunn Bridge and what a find.
The beautiful red cliffs and the blue sky, blue water and aspens turning yellow with the sun lighting them from behind. It was the last day of our plein air painting workshop that we ended up painting here and what a finale it was for the week. I shall return and paint it a hundred times more. And maybe you will join me next time I have Kathleen Elsey Painting Workshop in Taos, New Mexico! More about my upcoming painting workshops here. Kathleen Elsey