Kathleen Elsey


February 22, 2001
Six Award-Winning California Artists Join Forces to form "En Couleur"

Contact: Kathleen Elsey

San Francisco, California February 22, 2001 - With their roots firmly grounded with the Impressionists, Fauves and the Society of Six, a new group of artists has formed to paint and exhibit together in California. "En Couleur" translates to In Color. It expresses the strong focus on color of the group.

The six women, Robin Fahey Cameron, Lindy Duncan, Kathleen Elsey, Connie Kirk, Jeanette Le Grue and Camille Przewodek, are plein air painters who express their individual artistic visions with free brushwork, lush and often unexpected colors and with a strong focus of light in their landscapes and still lifes.

Individually each is a successful artist, with works in collections nationwide and abroad, yet feel that together they can share ideas and inspiration, promote their artistic vision and, like many others, raise funds for specific environmental causes.

"There is a special encouragement that artists can share with each other, " says Cameron. "We each have our different styles, yet there is a connectedness to our work, this emphasis on color, and light's effects on it, that joins us visually. She adds, "each of us is committed to sharing our connectedness to the land and our hope that we can help preserve it. Every time someone looks at one of our paintings and feels appreciation for it, we are getting the message to them that not only the art, but the beauty of the natural world is important."

Jeanette Le Grue and Lindy Duncan are Juried Artist Members of the California Art Club and with Camille Przewodek are winners of numerous awards. Camille is a co-founder of the Pacific Academy of Fine Arts and a Signature Member of the Laguna Plein Air Painters Association. Kathleen Elsey is a member of the National Association of Women Artists, and Women Artists of the West. Kathleen and Robin Fahey Cameron have degrees in Fine Art and pursued careers in design and advertising before resuming painting full time. Kathleen is now a successful full time artist and painting teacher and Robin, while pursuing her fine art career, is also owner/director of the William Lester Gallery in Point Reyes Station. Both are members of the American Impressionist Society as are other members of the group. Connie Kirk juggles her paintings with a thriving design business in San Anselmo. All of these women have exhibited widely and hope that now, together as En Couleur, they can make a stronger statement for their style of painting and their love of what they paint.

Their first scheduled show as a group is at the William Lester Gallery, May 10 - June 18, 2001. For more information call (415) 663-9365.

© 2009 Kathleen Elsey. All rights reserved. All paintings are property of Kathleen Elsey
and may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Kathleen Elsey.
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