Kathleen Elsey| Fauve Paintings | Favorite Paintings



ElseyThis page reveals 25 years of my life. A couple of my Kathleen Elsey paintingsall time favorite fauve paintings are “The Table” and “Matanzas Creek Winery, Lavender, Sonoma.” Kathleen Elsey, California Fauve

My fauve paintings from the past 25 years are on this page, many of them California plein air paintings. I am an impressionist, with fauvist tendencies. I love color and paint bright and happy scenes. A plein air painter friend once said to me as we were painting on a super foggy California beach, "Kathleen, you see sunshine everywhere."  She was seeing and painting the foggy beach and I was painting sunshine everywhere on that same foggy beach.Kathleen Elsey Paintings

Kathleen Elsey Painting Workshops Writers GardenOld "Wood Truck" was made one hot summer morning and afternoon at Island View Nursery, just south of my home in Santa Barbara. Nestled in the foothills of the Carpinteria Valley, the nursery is a feast for the eyes. This old truck with a pile of wood was hidden amongst the avocado trees on the side of the nursery.

I am inspired by the famous French Fauve painters of the early 20th century, Maurice Vlaminck, Henri Matisse and nine fellow New Fauves  from around the world. I also find the Society of Six, from San Francisco during the early 20th century, especially Seldon Gile, a constant source of learning and inspiration. There is a beautifully written and well-printed book called “The Society of Six, California Colorists” by Nancy Boas full of the history of these six painters from the San Francisco area and it is chock full of their colorist paintings. I find it a constant source of inspiration and often discover solutions to my painting problems by looking to see what Seldon Gile would have done in my situation. And looking further back in history, Vincent Van Gogh has helped me with many of my paintngs.Kathleen Elsey painting Santa Barbara paintings

Above is “The Porch, Sunday Morning” the first of my series of porch paintings. It was begun as plein air on location inside the screened in porch and later finished in my studio. “The Writers’ Garden,” above, is a plein air painting from Sonoma, California, on my favorite Sonoma mountain. I lived there and made many of the paintings below on this mountain for four years before moving to Santa Barbara.

The 240+ paintings on this page have become a visual journal of the past twenty five years of my life. Kathleen Elsey, Santa Barbara artist, California Fauve, American Painter

Kathleen Elsey Painting Wins Award “Best Oil or Acrylic Painting 2005”Kathleen Elsey Painting Workshops Plein Air Paintings Best Acrylic Carmel Festival

"Nursery in the Valley" signed by Kathleen Elsey, painted at the International Carmel Plein Air Festival

If you like this painting, you might also like my painting of the Santa Barbara Botanical Garden Nursery. They were painted within two weeks of each other and both paintings won awards on the same weekend. Santa Barbara Nursery won a ribbon in the Scape Spring exhibition on Friday evening while I was in Carmel. I was saying to myself "I think I came to the wrong painting exhibition." Then the next day, awards were announced at Carmel, and they had created an award for me. Since I painted in acrylic, and usually there is a "Best of Oil Award," they created the award "Best of Oil or Acrylic Painting." It was a great weekend for a Fauve plein air painter!

Kathleen Elsey Painting Wins Award Carmel Plein AirKathleen Elsey Painting Workshops 2004

“Truck for Trade" by Kathleen Elsey, signed lower right,
International Carmel Plein Air Festival 18" x 24"

This Kathleen Elsey painting was made on the first day of the Carmel Plein Air Festival. I love painting old messed up scenes. Thank you Dennis and Earl McDougall for inviting me into your beautiful ranch to paint quietly that hot day in 2004. I love painting funky old barns and farms full of stuff. Your ranch full of memories stole my heart and inspired me to paint this award winner for the Carmel 2004 Plein Air International Competition. I was thrilled to receive an Honorable Mention ribbon. Kathleen Elsey

Paintings on this page are sold. Select any thumbnail for details about each painting.

Rio Grand Canyon River Taos Southwestern painting Valdez in the Hondo Valley, New Mexico Pilar Autumn Iris and Pears Hendry's Beach, Arroyo Burro, Santa Barbara Beaches Sanctuary
Colorful Happy Hendry's Beach Painting Santa Barbara Garden in the Woods RioPueblo Old Mission Olive Trees Hilltop Village old truck, kathleen elsey paintings Green Vineyard Summer Heat Lavender with Old Olive Trees Julias Garden
Kathleen Elsey Painting Beach Cake Santa Barbara Kathleen Elsey Plein Air PaintingRancho de Taos Kathleen Elsey Plein Air Painting Rio Grande Kathleen Elsey Plein Air Painting Pink Rocks Ghost Ranch Kathleen Elsey Plein Air Painting El Sanctuario Chimayo Kathleen Elsey Plein Air Painting Sunflowers Kathleen Elsey Plein Air Painting Domme France Kathleen Elsey Plein Air Painting Presidio Steps San Francisco Kathleen Elsey Plein Air Painting Steps of Telegraph Hill Kathleen Elsey Plein Air Painting Libby's View Sausalito
San Francisco Steps China Camp Autumn Day Kathleen Elsey Painting Old Farmhouse iwth Poppies Stinson Fog Rolling In Pilar Rio Grande Kathleen Elsey Award Winning Nursery in the Valley Carmel Toms Garden Carmel Valley Kathleen Elsey Award winning Plein Air Painting The Nursery Lavender and Old Olive Trees
Oak Hill Farm Stormy Day Blue Beach Red Barn Golden Hills Sonoma Mission Morning Mass Red Teapot with Everything Beach Day with Umbrellas Kathleen Elsey Award Winning Painting Pink Fog Morning Kathy's Lavender Field Spring on the Mountain Kathleen Elsey painting At the Beach Brighton
Spooners Cove The Workshop Pappas Marina Boats Boat House Hay Time China Camp Looking East Woman with Pearls Kathleen Elsey painting workshop Oak Hill Farm Flower Barn Marilyn's Garden Lavender Barn STudy
Village Beach paintings Beach at Antibes, France Woman in Red on Stool Man Holding Orange Pink Rocks Ghost Ranch Odd Slice Watermelon East Beach Santa Barbara At the Beach Menton 3
Adeles Vineyard Table in the Avocado Grove Table in the Oak Groves San Francisco Steps Agnieszkas Garden Rock Meadow Bennett Valley the Lake East Beadh Santa Barbara the writers chairs Pont Neuf
Mountain Meadow with Blue Sky Meadow with Poppies Wildflowers with Poppies Kathleen Elsey Paintings The Nursery Santa Barbara Botanical Garden The Porch Before Lunch The Porch Sunday Morning The Table Van Gogh's Table Painters Bedroom The Reader's Chair
Lavender Growers Workers in Field Agnieszkas Garden The Green Vineyard Vincent's Iris Catherine's Garden Hydrangeas and Roses Kitchen Dahlias Lots of lavender
Menton Beach 1 Road through Dixon Mission China Camp Village Spring Pears and Figs Olive Farm Spring Mission San Miguel Dahlias and Peppers Dahlias in Yellow Vase Dahlias Italian Vase
Mountain Meadow Santa Barbara Happy Meadow Pink Clouds Chama River Peaceful Hondo Valley Valdez Farm on the Hill Windswept Salt Marsh Lily Pond with Yellow Iris Dipsea Trail Summer Blue Sky Beach Pail
Bridge Morning Paris Harbor with little boats China Camp from the Bluffs Lavender Harvest Kathy's Garden Spring Toby's Garden Pte. Reyes California Beach Day Stinson Beach Sam's Cafe on the Bay At the Beach Hawi
Summer Days Stinson Cow Barn Truck for Trade Carmel Valley Taos Mountain Ranchos Morning Wright's Beach Sonoma County bathers St. Tropez A Quiet Moment Painting Lavender Field Matanzas Creek
Houseboats Sausalito SunsetW With Rain Casita 1 Kathleen Elsey Painting Beach Days Spring Koi Pond Iris on Flower Cloth Kathleen Elsey Painting Iris after Van Gogh

Kathleen Elsey Paintings Catherines Garden Chair

Santa Barbara paintings, Butterfly Beach

Yellow Vineyard Jerome Cliffs Big Sur Carmel California Plein Air Painter Kathleen ElseyHappy Valley Koi Pond Sonoma painting workshop Kathleen Elsey lavender paintings Dipsea Trail Summer

Plein Air Painter Sanctuary San Miguel California Happy Meadow Mediterranean Sunset with Palms Sisters with Cake The Dining Rom
Monets Garden Hendrys Beach Autumn Color Chalk Hill At the Beach Mediterranean Flower farm Sonoma Mountain Kathy's Garden Main Street Stinson Beach Happy
Kitchen Cake Santa Barbara Paintings Sedgwick Barn Sunny Beach Umbrellas Clouds Mediterranean Beach Sunset Hendrys Beach Umbrellas Santa Barbara Capitola Beach Sunset on the Bay Path Through Mountain Meadow
Sisters Kathleen Elsey Painting Workshop Iris & Limes Yellow Drape Arons Room Kathleen Elsey Painting Workshop Violin Red Goblets Fishing Boats Janes Meadow
Grand Canyon Red Botanical garden Alice Keck Park Memorial Garden

Bell Tower

Red Roses Parade Room with View Morada Taos New Mexico

Into the Woods olive trees The Courtyard lavender beach santa barbara Wooleys cabin
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